Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Passionate Pursuit.

There is a need in life for passion. Collectors are passionate, be it about frog shaped teapots or nineteenth century train sets. Athletes are passionate about their chosen sport. Artists and crafts people are passionate about their creative work. Passion awakens the soul, energizes the body and enlivens the mind. Everyone who finds their passion and pursues it invariably finds it changes their life for the better.

Sometimes you may come across someone who hasn't found their passion. These people may tell you that you have lost all common sense. They might tell you that what you're doing is unrealistic and may even try to convince you to give up, what they believe is, a fruitless quest.

As a romance author, I have found other people who share my passion. Their encouragement has helped greatly in counteracting the influence of the naysayers. Becoming a member of the Romance Writers Association and subsequently the Melbourne Romance Writers Guild MRWG was a life changer. I have found supportive friends who have the same passion as myself. I can indulge my writing passion without restraint and at the MWRG meetings my achievements are rewarded with praise and chocolate.

If you haven't already, I encourage everyone to embrace their passion. Give yourself permission to spend time exploring it and join a group of like minded people.


  1. Lovely, Dora.

    And do you know the really wonderful thing about passion...when you follow it, your entire life starts to change. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the universe rearranges itself to line up with you passion, and before you know it, you're not following're LIVING it!


  2. A great post Dora! And so true.

    Thanks for coming by my ROMANCE BOOK PARADISE and checking out Serena Tatti's feature earlier!
